
Found 165 results
Wang X, Tang H, Wei EQ, Wang Z, Yang J, Yang R, Wang S, Zhang Y, Pitt GS, Zhang H, Wang C. Conditional knockout of Fgf13 in murine hearts increases arrhythmia susceptibility and reveals novel ion channel modulatory roles. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017;104:63-74.
Mercer EJ, Evans T. Congenital heart disease in a dish: progress toward understanding patient-specific mutations. J Thorac Dis. 2017;9(5):E510-E513.
Devenyi RA, Ortega FA, Groenendaal W, Krogh-Madsen T, Christini DJ, Sobie EA. Differential roles of two delayed rectifier potassium currents in regulation of ventricular action potential duration and arrhythmia susceptibility. J Physiol. 2017;595(7):2301-2317.
Pablo JL, Pitt GS. Divide, multitask, and conquer: Coordination in channel regulation. Channels (Austin). 2017;:1-3.
You D, Nilsson E, Tenen DE, Lyubetskaya A, Lo JC, Jiang R, Deng J, Dawes BA, Vaag A, Ling C, Rosen ED, Kang S. Dnmt3a is an epigenetic mediator of adipose insulin resistance. Elife. 2017;6.
Tsai S-Y, Chen S, Evans T. Efficient Generation of Cardiac Purkinje-like Cells from Embryonic Stem Cells by Activating cAMP Signaling. Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol. 2017;40:1F.16.1-1F.16.13.
Swendeman SL, Xiong Y, Cantalupo A, Yuan H, Burg N, Hisano Y, Cartier A, Liu CH, Engelbrecht E, Blaho V, Zhang Y, Yanagida K, Galvani S, Obinata H, Salmon JE, Sanchez T, Di Lorenzo A, Hla T. An engineered S1P chaperone attenuates hypertension and ischemic injury. Sci Signal. 2017;10(492).
Pablo JL, Pitt GS. FGF14 is a regulator of KCNQ2/3 channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114(1):154-159.
Gómez-Banoy N, Lo JC. Genetic Manipulation with Viral Vectors to Assess Metabolism and Adipose Tissue Function. Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1566:109-124.
Krogh-Madsen T, Jacobson AF, Ortega FA, Christini DJ. Global Optimization of Ventricular Myocyte Model to Multi-Variable Objective Improves Predictions of Drug-Induced Torsades de Pointes. Front Physiol. 2017;8:1059.
Patel YA, George A, Dorval AD, White JA, Christini DJ, Butera RJ. Hard real-time closed-loop electrophysiology with the Real-Time eXperiment Interface (RTXI). PLoS Comput Biol. 2017;13(5):e1005430.
Zhou T, Tan L, Cederquist GY, Fan Y, Hartley BJ, Mukherjee S, Tomishima M, Brennand KJ, Zhang Q, Schwartz RE, Evans T, Studer L, Chen S. High-Content Screening in hPSC-Neural Progenitors Identifies Drug Candidates that Inhibit Zika Virus Infection in Fetal-like Organoids and Adult Brain. Cell Stem Cell. 2017;21(2):274-283.e5.
Cao C, Ren Y, Barnett AS, Mirando AJ, Rouse D, Mun SHwan, Park-Min K-H, McNulty AL, Guilak F, Karner CM, Hilton MJ, Pitt GS. Increased Ca2+ signaling through CaV1.2 promotes bone formation and prevents estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss. JCI Insight. 2017;2(22).
Wei EQ, Sinden DS, Mao L, Zhang H, Wang C, Pitt GS. Inducible Fgf13 ablation enhances caveolae-mediated cardioprotection during cardiac pressure overload. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;.
Katchman A, Yang L, Zakharov SI, Kushner J, Abrams J, Chen B-X, Liu G, Pitt GS, Colecraft HM, Marx SO. Proteolytic cleavage and PKA phosphorylation of α1C subunit are not required for adrenergic regulation of CaV1.2 in the heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114(34):9194-9199.
Ghazizadeh Z, Kao D-I, Amin S, Cook B, Rao S, Zhou T, Zhang T, Xiang Z, Kenyon R, Kaymakcalan O, Liu C, Evans T, Chen S. ROCKII inhibition promotes the maturation of human pancreatic beta-like cells. Nat Commun. 2017;8(1):298.
Cantalupo A, Gargiulo A, Dautaj E, Liu C, Zhang Y, Hla T, Di Lorenzo A. S1PR1 (Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1) Signaling Regulates Blood Flow and Pressure. Hypertension. 2017;70(2):426-434.
Krogh-Madsen T, Christini DJ. Slow [Na+]i dynamics impacts arrhythmogenesis and spiral wave reentry in cardiac myocyte ionic model. Chaos. 2017;27(9):093907.
Cao J, Wang J, Jackman CP, Cox AH, Trembley MA, Balowski JJ, Cox BD, De Simone A, Dickson AL, Di Talia S, Small EM, Kiehart DP, Bursac N, Poss KD. Tension Creates an Endoreplication Wavefront that Leads Regeneration of Epicardial Tissue. Dev Cell. 2017;42(6):600-615.e4.
Guo M, Zhang T, Dong X, Xiang JZhaoying, Lei M, Evans T, Graumann J, Chen S. Using hESCs to Probe the Interaction of the Diabetes-Associated Genes CDKAL1 and MT1E. Cell Rep. 2017;19(8):1512-1521.