
Headshot of Geoffrey Pitt
Geoffrey S. Pitt, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Ida and Theo Rossi Distinguished Professor of Medicine
  • Director, Cardiovascular Research Institute
Research Focus:

Ion channel disorders ("Channelopathies")

  • Office: BB-502
  • Lab: BB-570
Headshot of James Lo
James C. Lo, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology
Research Focus:

The primary focus of the James C. Lo Lab is to investigate the molecular mechanisms of cardiometabolic diseases with the ultimate goal of developing novel treatments directed against them.

Headshot of Annarita Di Lorenzo
Annarita Di Lorenzo, Ph.D.
  • Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
  • E-803
Headshot of Todd Evans
Todd R. Evans, Ph.D.
  • Peter I. Pressman, M.D. Professor in Surgery
  • Vice Chair for Research, Chief Division of Research
  • Associate Dean for Research
  • Office: LC-708
Headshot of Jingli Cao
Jingli Cao, Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Focus:

Using zebrafish as a model, the Cao Lab aims at dissecting how natural heart regeneration is regulated at the cellular and molecular level, and how the generalizable findings can be applied in other regenerative contexts

Headshot of Michael Harrison
Michael Harrison, Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
  • mrh4003@med.cornell.edu
  • www.labharrison.com
Research Focus:

We utilize novel imaging techniques in zebrafish genetic models to dissect the cues driving vascularization and vascular mediation of heart regeneration at the tissue and molecular level.

Headshot of  Bernhard Kühn
Bernhard Kühn, M.D.
  • Wallace-Starr Foundation Professor of Pediatrics
  • Chief of the Division of Cardiology
  • Director of the Pediatric Heart Regeneration Institute
Research Focus:

Understanding the unique workings of heart muscle cells - cardiomyocytes - and discovering ways to make cardiomyocytes replicate and proliferate, so as to enable the heart to heal itself in cases of heart failure or congenital defects.

Headshot of Yicheng Long
Yicheng Long, Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Research Focus:

The Long lab studies the crosstalk between RNA and chromatin, with a focus in stem cell differentiation and cardiac development. This includes understanding the molecular mechanism of RNA-mediated regulation pathways by Polycomb group (PcG) and Trithorax group (TrxG) proteins, RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation of cardiac development, and how epitranscriptomics and epigenetics interconnect.

Weill Cornell Medicine Cardiovascular Research Institute 413 East 69th Street, Belfer Research Building, 5th Floor, New York, NY New York, NY 10021 Phone: 646-962-8429