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Found 165 results
Cao Y
Xia Y
Balowski JJ
Ou J
Song L
Safi A
Curtis T
Crawford GE
Poss KD
Cao J
Identification of enhancer regulatory elements that direct epicardial gene expression during zebrafish heart regeneration.
Development. 2022;149(4).
Lee D
Le Pen J
Yatim A
Dong B
Aquino Y
Ogishi M
Pescarmona R
Talouarn E
Rinchai D
Zhang P
Perret M
Liu Z
Jordan I
Bozdemir SElmas
Bayhan GIclal
Beaufils C
Bizien L
Bisiaux A
Lei W
Hasan M
Chen J
Gaughan C
Asthana A
Libri V
Luna JM
Jaffré F
Hoffmann H-H
Michailidis E
Moreews M
Seeleuthner Y
Bilguvar K
Mane S
Flores C
Zhang Y
Arias AA
Bailey R
Schlüter A
Milisavljevic B
Bigio B
Le Voyer T
Materna M
Gervais A
Moncada-Velez M
Pala F
Lazarov T
Levy R
Neehus A-L
Rosain J
Peel J
Chan Y-H
Morin M-P
Pino-Ramirez RMaria
Belkaya S
Lorenzo L
Anton J
Delafontaine S
Toubiana J
Bajolle F
Fumadó V
DeDiego ML
Fidouh N
Rozenberg F
Pérez-Tur J
Chen S
Evans T
Geissmann F
Lebon P
Weiss SR
Bonnet D
Duval X
Covid HGenetic Ef
Pan-Hammarström Q
Planas AM
Meyts I
Haerynck F
Pujol A
Sancho-Shimizu V
Dalgard C
Bustamante J
Puel A
Boisson-Dupuis S
Boisson B
Maniatis T
Zhang Q
Bastard P
Notarangelo L
Béziat V
de Diego RPerez
Rodriguez-Gallego C
Lifton RP
Jouanguy E
Cobat A
Alsina L
Keles S
Haddad E
Abel L
Belot A
Quintana-Murci L
Rice CM
, et al.
Inborn errors of OAS-RNase L in SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.
Science. 2022;:eabo3627.
Matsui M
Bouchareb R
Storto M
Hussain Y
Gregg A
Marx SO
Pitt GS
Increased Ca2+ influx through CaV1.2 drives aortic valve calcification.
JCI Insight. 2022;7(5).
Elmagid LAbd
Mittal N
Bakis I
Lien C-L
Harrison MR
Intramyocardial Injection for the Study of Cardiac Lymphatic Function in Zebrafish.
J Vis Exp. 2022;(187).
Shin K
Begeman IJ
Cao J
Kang J
leptin b and its regeneration enhancer illustrate the regenerative features of zebrafish hearts.
Dev Dyn. 2022;.
Pang APS
Higgins-Chen AT
Comite F
Raica I
Arboleda C
Went H
Mendez T
Schotsaert M
Dwaraka V
Smith R
Levine ME
Ndhlovu LC
Corley MJ
Longitudinal Study of DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Clocks Prior to and Following Test-Confirmed COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccination.
Front Genet. 2022;13:819749.
Katz LS
Brill G
Zhang P
Kumar A
Baumel-Alterzon S
Honig LB
Gómez-Banoy N
Karakose E
Tanase M
Doridot L
Alvarsson A
Davenport B
Wang P
Lambertini L
Stanley SA
Homann D
Stewart AF
Herman MA
Garcia-Ocana A
Scott DK
Maladaptive positive feedback production of ChREBPβ underlies glucotoxic β-cell failure.
Nat Commun. 2022;13(1):4423.
Kong W
Montano M
Corley MJ
Helmy E
Kobayashi H
Kinisu M
Suryawanshi R
Luo X
Royer LA
Roan NR
Ott M
Ndhlovu LC
Greene WC
Neuropilin-1 Mediates SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Astrocytes in Brain Organoids, Inducing Inflammation Leading to Dysfunction and Death of Neurons.
mBio. 2022;:e0230822.
Sasset L
Manzo OLaura
Zhang Y
Marino A
Rubinelli L
Riemma MAntonietta
Chalasani MLatha S
Dasoveanu DC
Roviezzo F
Jankauskas SS
Santulli G
Bucci MRosaria
Di Lorenzo A
Nogo-A reduces ceramide de novo biosynthesis to protect from heart failure.
Cardiovasc Res. 2022;.
Reiterer M
Gilani A
Pancreatic Islets as a Target of Adipokines.
Compr Physiol. 2022;12(3):1-27.
de Menezes EGMarques
Deng X
Liu J
Bowler SA
Shikuma CM
Stone M
Hunt PW
Ndhlovu LC
Norris PJ
Plasma CD16+ Extracellular Vesicles Associate with Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness in HIV+ Adults on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy.
mBio. 2022;13(3):e0300521.
Papa A
Zakharov SI
Katchman AN
Kushner JS
Chen B-X
Yang L
Liu G
Jimenez ASanchez
Eisert RJ
Bradshaw GA
Dun W
Ali SR
Rodriques A
Zhou K
Topkara V
Yang M
Morrow JP
Tsai EJ
Karlin A
Wan E
Kalocsay M
Pitt GS
Colecraft HM
Ben-Johny M
Marx SO
Rad regulation of CaV1.2 channels controls cardiac fight-or-flight response.
Nat Cardiovasc Res. 2022;1(11):1022-1038.
Sasset L
Chowdhury KH
Manzo OL
Rubinelli L
Konrad C
Maschek JA
Manfredi G
Holland WL
Di Lorenzo A
S1P controls endothelial sphingolipid homeostasis via ORMDL.
FASEB J. 2022;36 Suppl 1.
Han Y
Zhu J
Yang L
Nilsson-Payant BE
Hurtado R
Lacko LA
Sun X
Gade AR
Higgins CA
Sisso WJ
Dong X
Wang M
Chen Z
Pitt GS
Schwartz RE
tenOever BR
Evans T
Chen S
SARS-CoV-2 Infection Induces Ferroptosis of Sinoatrial Node Pacemaker Cells.
Circ Res. 2022;130(7):963-977.
Sasset L
Chowdhury KH
Manzo OL
Rubinelli L
Konrad C
J Maschek A
Manfredi G
Holland WL
Di Lorenzo A
Sphingosine-1-phosphate controls endothelial sphingolipid homeostasis via ORMDL.
EMBO Rep. 2022;:e54689.
Yang L
Nilsson-Payant BE
Han Y
Jaffré F
Zhu J
Wang P
Zhang T
Redmond D
Houghton S
Møller R
Hoagland D
Carrau L
Horiuchi S
Goff M
Lim JK
Bram Y
Richardson C
Chandar V
Borczuk A
Huang Y
Xiang J
Schwartz RE
tenOever BR
Evans T
Chen S
Cardiomyocytes recruit monocytes upon SARS-CoV-2 infection by secreting CCL2.
Stem Cell Reports. 2021;.
Del Gaudio I
Rubinelli L
Sasset L
Wadsack C
Hla T
Di Lorenzo A
Endothelial Spns2 and ApoM Regulation of Vascular Tone and Hypertension Via Sphingosine-1-Phosphate.
J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;:e021261.
Duca S
Cao J
Ex Vivo Techniques to Study Heart Regeneration in Zebrafish.
Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2158:211-222.
Reiterer M
Rajan M
Gómez-Banoy N
Lau JD
Gomez-Escobar LG
Ma L
Gilani A
Alvarez-Mulett S
Sholle ET
Chandar V
Bram Y
Hoffman K
Bhardwaj P
Piloco P
Rubio-Navarro A
Uhl S
Carrau L
Houhgton S
Redmond D
Shukla AP
Goyal P
Brown KA
tenOever BR
Alonso LC
Schwartz RE
Schenck EJ
Safford MM
Hyperglycemia in acute COVID-19 is characterized by insulin resistance and adipose tissue infectivity by SARS-CoV-2.
Cell Metab. 2021;.
Stoll L
Is IL-1 the Bridge Connecting Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiac Arrhythmias?
. JACC Basic Transl Sci. 2021;6(1):53-54.
Yang L
Han Y
Jaffré F
Nilsson-Payant BE
Bram Y
Wang P
Zhu J
Zhang T
Redmond D
Houghton S
Uhl S
Borczuk A
Huang Y
Richardson C
Chandar V
Acklin JA
Lim JK
Xiang J
tenOever BR
Schwartz RE
Evans T
Chen Z
Chen S
An Immuno-Cardiac Model for Macrophage-Mediated Inflammation in COVID-19 Hearts.
Circ Res. 2021;.
Dixon G
Pan H
Yang D
Rosen BP
Jashari T
Verma N
Pulecio J
Caspi I
Lee K
Stransky S
Glezer A
Liu C
Rivas M
Kumar R
Lan Y
Torregroza I
He C
Sidoli S
Evans T
Elemento O
Huangfu D
QSER1 protects DNA methylation valleys from de novo methylation.
Science. 2021;372(6538).
Wang H-G
Bavley CC
Li A
Jones RM
Hackett J
Bayleyen Y
Lee FS
Rajadhyaksha AM
Pitt GS
Scn2a severe hypomorphic mutation decreases excitatory synaptic input and causes autism-associated behaviors.
JCI Insight. 2021;6(15).
Cook B
Walker N
Zhang Q
Chen S
Evans T
The small molecule DIPQUO promotes osteogenic differentiation via inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3 β signaling.
J Biol Chem. 2021;:100696.
Joglekar A
Prjibelski A
Mahfouz A
Collier P
Lin S
Schlusche AKatharina
Marrocco J
Williams SR
Haase B
Hayes A
Chew JG
Weisenfeld NI
Wong MYing
Stein AN
Hardwick SA
Hunt T
Wang Q
Dieterich C
Bent Z
Fedrigo O
Sloan SA
Risso D
Jarvis ED
Flicek P
Luo W
Pitt GS
Frankish A
Smit AB
M Ross E
Tilgner HU
A spatially resolved brain region- and cell type-specific isoform atlas of the postnatal mouse brain
. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):463.
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