Stage-specific DNA methylation dynamics in mammalian heart development.

TitleStage-specific DNA methylation dynamics in mammalian heart development.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2025
AuthorsZhang, F, Evans, T
Date Published2025 Feb 21

Cardiac development is a precisely regulated process governed by both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Among these, DNA methylation is one mode of epigenetic regulation that plays a crucial role in controlling gene expression at various stages of heart development and maturation. Understanding stage-specific DNA methylation dynamics is critical for unraveling the molecular processes underlying heart development from specification of early progenitors, formation of a primitive and growing heart tube from heart fields, heart morphogenesis, organ function, and response to developmental and physiological signals. This review highlights research that has explored profiles of DNA methylation that are highly dynamic during cardiac development and maturation, exploring stage-specific roles and the key molecular players involved. By exploring recent insights into the changing methylation landscape, we aim to highlight the complex interplay between DNA methylation and stage-specific cardiac gene expression, differentiation, and maturation.

Alternate JournalEpigenomics
PubMed ID39980349